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Jhabua Development Communication Project

The Jhabua Development Communication Project (JDCP) was an initiative in the mid-1990s that aimed to leverage communication technology to address development needs in rural India. It uses the satellite communication system to address the needs of the rural illiterate population and provide programme support communication to development efforts.

In the mid-1990s, the project was officially launched by the Development and Educational Communication Unit (DECU) of the Space Application Centre (SAC) in Ahmedabad. The project is located in the rural area of Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh where mostly tribal population resides. The literacy rate of this place is very less to only 15%, infant mortality rate is high, transportation and other communication is very limited. Basically, poverty is the face value of the people of this area. However, the natural resources were abundant and agriculture is the main source of income.

The main motive of initiating the project was to experiment with the utilization of an interactive satellite-based broadcasting network to support the development and education in the remote areas of India.

From DECU`s Ahmedabad studio which is uplinked through satellite, mere about 150 direct receptive systems like satellite disk, VCRs, Television sets and other equipments were installed in the various areas of Jhabua districts.

The television programmes were broadcasted for two hours every evening. There were about 12 talkback terminals distributed in each of the block headquarter of Jhabua districts. With this system villagers could able to ask questions, provide feedback etc. The programme contents of the project focused on not only educating the mass but also on entertaining. The active participation of the local people on the various topics such as watershed management, health, education, agriculture, natural forestry, and governance were also meet in the project. While the afternoon programs were more on training related which was conducted through the talkback terminals with a range of village functionaries like teachers, anganwadi workers, hand pump mechanics, and local panchayat members etc. 

In the Jhabua Development Communication Project, there were continuous flow of information from media producer to the receivers and vice-versa in the form of feedback and feed-forward. 

In 1988, the Jhabua Development Communication Project was also evaluated where it was found that the poor people of Jhabua district has gained significant knowledge and understanding in several materialistic areas and social issues. The project had assisted in enhancing the quality of the life of people and of the environment in the region.

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