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Qualities of a Reporter

Like any professional, a news reporter must possess certain qualities to be successful. The following are the basic qualities of a good reporter.

News Sense

The primary job of a reporter is discovering the news. Hence the basic quality of any reporter is to have a news sense or a nose for news, to differentiate news from non-news. (S)he must know the difference between public interest and a publicity stunt.


A good reporter has clarity of mind and expression. A confused mind cannot present a story clearly. The Reporter should be able to present the news in a simple and logical way.


It refers to fairness, disinterestedness, and factuality. Good reporters, always resist their personal bias or ideas and present the story in a factual and balanced manner. They always cover the views of representatives of both sides of a controversy without favouring any one side to achieve balance. They never dilute the story with personal views and partial comments.


Good reporters always strive for accuracy. They never tamper with the facts. They check and re-check the facts. Reporting inaccurate information is considered as a moral crime and can harm the credibility of the reporter and news media.


The reporter has to be alert in all situations. It helps to catch the scoop. It also helps to keep abreast with all the happenings that are taking place in the reporter’s area of enquiry.


The News Reporter should think factual, decide fast, and write fast to meeting the pressing deadlines. Being lazy will affect the performance of the reporter.


Reporters work in different work environments. Good reporters remain calm and composed in the most exciting and tragic circumstances. They withstand the mounting pressure of long and erratic work schedules and maintain their cool even amidst trying circumstances.


The reporter has to be alert in all situations. It helps to catch the scoop. It also helps to keep abreast with all the happenings that are taking place in the reporter’s area of enquiry.


It is another very important quality of any good reporter. Good Reporters are curious all the time. The spirit of curiosity helps them to get good stories.


Good reporters should not take anything for granted. Healthy scepticism is good for a reporter. They should not clear their doubts without having undeniable proof.


This quality helps the reporter to reach on time and not miss anything. It is always better to reach on time and wait than reach late. Punctuality also helps in building faithful relationships with the sources.


Reporting is a daily test of patience, voluntary self-control, or restraint that helps one to endure provocation, injustice, and suffering.


Being a storyteller the reporter should be imaginative enough to narrate the story in the most interesting manner.


This is about envisioning the future. It helps the reporters to identify the processes and people that will be important in the future. It is one quality that helps in determining the importance of an event and in thinking ahead of time.


Self-discipline helps the reporters to discharge their responsibilities effectively.


Good Reporters are always honest and strictly adhere to the code of ethics. The reporters should not be biased by temptations. This quality helps the reporter to do away with all the immoral influences prevailing in the field.


A good reporter is courageous and confident. Without courage and confidence it is difficult for a person to be a good reporter. The Reporter should not fear to ask unpleasant questions to dig out the truth.


The Reporter should have the capability to handle any kind of situation and people. A good reporter is always considerate of others and careful not to embarrass, upset, or offend any. Flexibility and sociability helps in developing contacts to facilitate information gathering.


Reporters should be outgoing in nature with initiative and drive. They must be assertive and aggressive to be successful.


Good reporters always enjoy moving around and meeting people. They never hesitate to travel to distance places for stories, when required.


The reporters have to be diligent workers. Their jobs require painstaking effort, alertness, and dedication. They should seek perfection, love their jobs, and work hard.

Good Writing Ability

Reporters should be able to write clear and well-focused stories that can be easily understood by everyone. Writing should be error-free.

Well Read

The Reporter has to be well-read and well-informed in order to know the changing attitudes of the society.

Team Spirit

Since News Production is a teamwork, the reporter should have the zeal to work in a team. As a member of the team the reporters should know in clear terms, the role and responsibilities vested upon them and deliver them in the best way possible.

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